An unfortunate incident

In the autumn of 1898, Casa Vicens was the scene of an unfortunate incident that was documented by newspapers such as La Publicidad, La Vanguardia, La Campana de Gràcia and others. We can also seek out additional information and inquire into how the neighbours perceived the building, for example. When conducting historical research, direct sources … Read more

Gaudí and his concept of the house

‘The house is the small family nation. The family, like the nation, has history, foreign relations, changes of government, and so on. The independent family has its own house, that which is not, has a rented house. The owned house is the native country, the rental house is the land of emigration; this is why … Read more

What do we know about the history of Casa Vicens?

Antoni Gaudí was only thirty years old when Manel Vicens i Montaner offered him the opportunity to design the new summer residence the trade agent and broker was planning to build for his family. The proposed site was a plot of inherited land owned by Vicens in Vila de Gràcia, an independent suburb of Barcelona … Read more

Casa Vicens travels to Moscow!

Although Casa Vicens will not open its doors to the public until October, the building is the subject of increasing international attention and items from its permanent collection are already fascinating people in other parts of the world. On May 22, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA) inaugurated Antoni Gaudí Barcelona, an exhibition on … Read more